Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Where Are My Bookmarks?

Mimi asked a great question today. (Miriam, I hope I spelled Mimi correctly!) Once class is over and the class Moodle access goes away, where can we find the links to all of the apps we have shared in class. I went to my Delicious site to show where they can be found. That link is here. Alas, I haven't visited that site for a while and wouldn't you know, they have dramatically changed the interface. I must admit, too, that I have not updated the site lately.

Indeed, you can find most of the links there but it is not very friendly to just browse through my 153 bookmarks. So I have a summer project to update the list or find a new application that may provide a better way to search and browse the list. I opened a free Diigo (dee-go) account to check it out. My account is at diigo. I will play with that for a while to see if it is a better choice. If so, I'll upgrade to the non-ad version and give it a go ($7 per year). But the jury is out - I'll let you know. There are other bookmark apps that I will investigate as well.

For now, I'll keep my Delicious account. The link is also at the top of the class Moodle page.


  1. Great job today! lots of great information!!!

  2. Great job today! lots of great information!!!
